Latonya Hooks, Team Coordinator, Guest Services/Volunteer Services: 757-984-7195
Our diverse group of volunteers share their skills and expertise in many different areas in the hospital by assisting patients, visitors, and staff. We invite you to share your skills and talents throughout the hospital in many different areas. Currently, our volunteer team is comprised of adults, college students and junior volunteers (must have completed 8th grade and be at least 14 years of age). Volunteer opportunities are available in clinical and non-clinical settings.
Our adult volunteers are offered flexible schedules to accommodate their lifestyles and are required to serve at least one 4-hour shift per week. The college volunteer program is structured on a semester basis.
The junior volunteer program is structured as a 8-week summer program. Two 4-week sessions are available each summer. Each session offers 80 hours of volunteer service to the hospital. All junior volunteers must complete at least one of the Two 4 - week sessions to qualify for volunteering during the school year. Junior Volunteer Applications are available at the volunteer office, at all local high schools and middle schools on February 15 each year. They are due April 1 each year.
Our Patient and Family Advisory Council is a group composed of patients, family members, caregivers and healthcare providers who collaborate to improve healthcare experiences and outcomes. Members of these councils commit their time, efforts and talents to serve as a voice of our community on a variety of healthcare programs and projects. Working together we support our mission "to improve health every day."
Volunteer Opportunities
- Certified pet therapy program
- Golf cart shuttle
- Nursing units
- P.A.L. (Patient Assistant Liaison) - rounding on patients
- Pharmacy - outpatient
- Reception Desks - Includes cardiac, concierge (Information), guest services, surgery waiting area, Surgery, Geddy Outpatient Center, volunteer services office, volunteer transport (internal) courtesy cart
- Emergency Department
- Quality
Volunteer Benefits
- Opportunity to serve others
- Free health screenings and vaccines
- Discount on non-prescription over-the-counter drugs available in the hospital pharmacies
- WorkPerks discount (discounts on various local business, i.e., movie tickets, park tickets, etc.)
- One meal ticket per shift
- Awards and recognition programs
- Special events